Vacancy at the Belarusian HRH: Program manager

17 April 2023, 12:19 PM
Vacancy at the Belarusian HRH: Program manager

Position type: Full-time

Location: Vilnius, Lithuania

Organization: The Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House (BHRH)

Position available from: now

Position summary: The Program officer is responsible for the planning, development, overall coordination/implementation, and supervision of strategic areas and projects of the BHRH activities; for fundraising, liaising with donors and partners. The officer assists the BHRH director and the Board in advocacy, strategic planning and implementing various activities organized by the HRH. The officer reports to the BHRH director.




  • Providing overall coordination of implementation of the BHRH strategic plan and activities planned within its framework, including internal monitoring of results

  • Developing project concepts, including goals, objectives, activities and main stages

  • Assisting in the preparation of project budgets, fundraising and money flow plans

  • Preparing project reports and submitting them to donors and partners

  • Project-related paperwork

  • Liaising with Belarusian and international partners of the organization about project planning, implementation, reporting and fundraising

  • Looking for potential donors for the organization's projects

  • Fundraising; communicating with potential and current donors

  • Translations from/into English, Russian, and Belarusian

  • Assisting and advising the Belarusian partners of the organization in the development and financial planning of their human rights projects

  • Contributing to coordination and facilitation of various advocacy activities at the national and international level

  • Performing other duties delegated by the director and the Board of the organization.


Required skills/experience
(you are welcome to apply even if you don`t possess all of them)


  • Experience in project management and program development and planning in non-profit organizations

  • General experience in NGO and/or development cooperation work

  • Professional experience in or related to Belarus

  • Experience in working with human rights issues and projects; understanding of Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA)

  • General knowledge about the political, economic and social situation in Belarus and the region of Eastern Europe

  • Good knowledge and contacts in the Civil Society in Belarus

  • Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in Belarusian, Russian and English

  • Knowledge of European Union as well as other key donors working with Belarus

  • International contacts and networks in relevant areas (mainly in the EU and eastern Europe)

  • Knowledge and experience in relevant areas such as organizational development, advocacy, fundraising

  • Financial skills/literacy

  • Information/computer-skills

  • Higher education

  • Analytical skills


Interested candidates should send their CV (in either English, Belarusian or Russian) and motivation letter (preferably, in English, but Belarusian and Russian are also acceptable) at Please, indicate the sought position title (Program officer) in the subject field.

Please, also mention at least one person who could provide a reference about your candidacy together with their contacts (e-mail, mobile, messengers).

We shall receive and review applications on the rolling basis and contact and invite pre-selected candidates for an interview.

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